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Great news! You can now invest in your professional development without breaking the bank. Our training courses are both affordable and of high quality. With half day courses starting at just £23 per person and 1 day courses starting at just £33, there's no reason to wait any longer Contact us today to learn more!
All Wales Induction Framework
Health & Safety Awareness
Challenging Behavior Adults / Children
Conflict Management
Food Safety Level 1, 2 & 3
Safeguarding Children Group A, B & C
Safeguarding Adults Group A, B & C
Autism Awareness
Total Communication Techniques
Mental Capacity Act​ 2005 & DOLS
Infection Control
Anxiety Awareness
Stress Management
Trauma informed Care (TIC)
Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE)
Manual Handling
Train The Trainer -Manual Handling
Needlestick & Sharps Awareness
Needle -Sweep & Sharps Removal
We have many more courses available, if you would
like a course listing, just ask and we'll email our
most up to date content.

With our range of online and face to face training
we are able to give you the best cross training service available today
Southpoint Training are an accredited Highfields Center that deliver certified courses in the following areas
Basic Life Support & AED Level 2
Emergency First Aid Level 3
First Aid at Work Level 3
Paediatric First Aid Level 3
Paediatric Emergency First Aid Level 3
Food Safety Level 1, 2 & 3
HACCP in Catering Level 2 & 3
Food Safety for Supervisors Level 3
Prevention & Control of Infection for the Workplace Level 2 & 3
Prevention & Control of Infection for Care settings Level 2 & 3
Prevention & Control of Infection for Housekeeping Level 2​​ & 3
We can also offer a system of blended learning for subject's that include an element of practical assessment to reduce the risk of face to face contact.
Those elements of face to face delivery are run with full PPE, risk assessed training venues and can include one to one assessments to lower infection risk on all practical elements taught.

SouthPoint Training also offer a large selection of non accredited courses for the Healthcare and Housing sector
These include
All Wales Manual Handling Passport Scheme / AWMHPS
All Wales Manual Handling Passport Scheme / AWMHPS Train the Trainer
Manual Handling of People
Manual Handling of Inanimate Loads
Epilepsy Understanding & Support
Dementia Understanding & Support
Care Values
Total Communication
Anxiety Awareness
Autism Awareness
Eating Disorders
Health & Safety / CoSHH
Southpoint Training can also offer full induction program's which comply with​
The All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care
Please contact us for further information:
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